All the major preparations for Exercise Wallaby have been done, so for now there's not much left to do except sit around and wait. Or so it originally seemed. The past few days have been super hectic -.-
Wouldn't you know, there's yet another radio that we have to learn, and of course the guys who attended the last radio course have to go for this one too. So off I went together with the other lucky winners to Murai camp for our crash course, and we were taught by none other than our SI platoon mates. Lots of catching up here and other, and we left feeling consoled that the course wasn't that bad after all. And that was when we found out that we have to go back to camp on Monday for a proficiency test, while everyone else is outside celebrating the arrival of our newly-elected president. This is the first of two bullet wounds in my precious long weekend, the other one of course being guard duty on Friday.
And what a guard duty it was. I was lucky sentry 1, who has to do an extra shift, and on top of that the handover was late so I had an extra 45min of duty. Yet, that was not what pissed me off the most. The worst part was that after that, the armskote man was missing and we took and entire our just to track him down while being stranded outside the armskote room. Army is awesome like that.
My mom offered to fetch me home after guard duty, and on the way back she said that the house would be "a bit messy". Apparently, my aunt has found new tenants for next month so we have to move out by Thursday. Not only that, the house painters decided to start their work right that instant, so I returned home to find the house smelling like paint and looking like a hurricane casualty. So I slept as well as I could for 3 hours, then spent the rest of the weekend helping with the move.
Still, not being bitter or anything, just recounting an interesting snippet of army life for anyone interested. In such a depressing situation like NS or moving house, optimism is a necessity of the highest order.
And Wallaby is in 19 days -.- I wanna catch up with the Starlight guys before I move off.
On a random note, in order to not be pigeonholed as a metalhead, I decided to listen to some non-metal, and by that I meant "as much of Muse's discography as I could squeeze in one weekend", and I was not disappointed. I have to say that they're the only non-metal or hard rock band that I "like" to the same degree that I like other awesome metal bands like The Human Abstract or Protest The Hero.
Just because I haven't done this in so very long...
I know what you're thinking: you're thinking that you have better things to Do than to watch thrEe And a half minuTes of a cHildren's television programme. Well, you can just watch the whole thing first and reserve your condescending remarks till then.
New band w00t!!! Anyways, Cormorant are supposedly a melodic death metal band, but I don't really care what genre they are outside of "awesome". Oh, and when people ask me about my music taste I can no longer reply "Relax man, it's not like I listen to anything too crazy like death metal." In any case, this is Uneasy Lies the Head.
And finally we reach the star of this post... JON LAJOIE!!! This Youtuber is the absolute funniest comedy song writer/singer I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, even more so than The Lonely Island if I do say so myself (please understand that this is purely a personal preference). First, watch this video which was what caught my attention in the first place:
The part that really won me over? "I don't give a chainsawwwwwww"
Here's another great song. In fact, it's The Best Song:
Lastly, I just have to mention his two WTF Collective videos: