Yesterday was the release of the PW results. if you got your A, then here's saying congrats! :D but if you didnt, it's still not the end of the world; pw is only a tiny fragment of the A levels, so the war has only barely begun. in the hall, ms poon was going on and on about how NJC's pw A rate was at a stunning 76% and whatnot, getting everyone's hopes up. alas, my class was not to have such fortune. our class A rate deviated immensely from the cohort average, so much so that if im not mistaken we only about a 40% distinction rate, possibly one of the worse pw classes in the level. as cheers and shouts were heard elsewhere in the hall, 09SH27 was silent. the majority was too downcast to utter a sound, and the lucky few who survived were not in the position to say anything either. i may have gotten an A, but how i wish this personal victory wasnt in the face of such a crushing defeat to so many others.
but life goes on regardless of my wishes. late last night to early this morning was the 2010 NJOAC night hike, which was really very fun :D we started out from macritchie reservoir at 10pm and ended up next to bukit gombak mrt at around 3.45am, with lots of crazy running, jumping and talking cock in between. and the most surprising part was that we actually won O.O which means $50 swensens voucher and mr low now owes us dinner (he bet that we wouldnt be able to win... sucker :P ). huge thanks to NJOAC for organising this, to edmund for being our ic and putting up with our nonsense, and of course to H3 Fatty Bom Boms! chin, j.tan, rayson, brenda and tzumi :) i suggest class outing to swensens with 2 mega earthquakes!
chin's Rock Night band (chin, rayson, joshua tan, junjie, bryan) are gonna have a jamming session tomorrow at clarke quay. should i go? quite interested in seeing what song they will play and how good they are. personally im hoping they play some old-school hardcore linkin park, but knowing junjie i doubt that's even remotely possible. oh well.