Tomorrow's the day. That day. That one day that every Singaporean son would have heard so much about from fathers and uncles. That one day that they have buried in the back of their minds for so long, but have been secretly dreading their entire lives. Tomorrow's the day I check into Tekong. Physical and mental grinding like never before await, and there's not much I can do about it now. I'm just going to go in with the ragdoll mentality: go in, get whipped and come out the other end in whatever mangled form I become. In spite of all that, there's still a part of me that's excited for what's to come. After all, grinding is what sharpens mere pieces of metal into swords. I guess you could say that what I'm feeling right now is similar to the feeling of going into a new school, except that now it's a school of (really) hard knocks, maybe 30% dread, 5% excitement and 65% resignation (the math is correct right? I'm transitioning my brain from "thinking" mode to "complying with physically-demanding orders" mode).
For obvious reasons, I'm gonna have to abandon this blog for a while. See you guys again on February 26, if I don't slip into a fatigue-induced coma over the weekend (though seriously I don't know who I'm addressing here anyways, the few people who follow my posts are probably in Tekong now).
Bye :)