Sometimes, stuff happens in life which is not your fault, but you still have to pay the consequences anyway. As NSFs this actually happens pretty often, when orders from the higher-ups trickle down until only the most menial and mundane tasks reach us. Outside of army life, things are still the same. It may come as a surprise for you to learn that until now my family is still not done with house-moving, but that's the unfortunate truth.When I went off to Australia about two months ago, they were already in the midst of moving. I had already helped out as much as I could in the days leading up to my departure, and they said that I would most likely be returning home to our new unit. Two months later, I returned to our overcrowded temporary lodging, and our new unit was still covered in dust and unassembled furniture. I thought that all I had to do was reschedule my outings with friends, but apparently that's not good enough because the days on which my father requires my help jump around so much that it's impossible to plan anything around the house-moving, and I end up cancelling everything just to play along with his bipolar schedule.
I have two options. Firstly, I could cry foul and point out how the very least he could do after messing up his deadline and dragging me along to help him was to at least make up his mind over when he wants me to show up. Of course, this ignores how logic is trumped by "I'm you father" any day, and there's no higher authority above him whom I can turn to (my mom has long ago grown fed up with the whole situation and washed her hands from the whole thing). Or secondly, I could just take it in my stride and go through with the whole thing with a positive attitude. Suck up a bit of injustice, and the whole process will roll more smoothly. A fair trade i guess.
My one week of leave seems to be ending too soon. I don't want to go back to camp :(