Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mental drought

I think my brain is trying to rebel against a mental drought. These few days it's like I will instinctively seek out intellectual stimulation when previously I was perfectly content sitting around doing nothing. Unfortunately, actually finding and partaking in such activities has so far only reminded me of how long it's been since I last really cranked my brain up to 11. While trying to teach my bunkmates what I learned during H3 maths, I realised I could barely remember half of what I learned, and it only becomes more true for H3 physics. I feel like I wasted my time to spend a whole year taking extra lessons (including half a year of pure insanity when physics clashed with maths) and then forget everything in the same amount of time. As nerdy as it may sound, I may start bringing H3 math questions into camp to do, if only to protect my one-year investment.

While on the subject of intellectual stimuli, I realise that as a person born in the 90s, I've already missed so many amazing movies which engage on an intellectual and artistic level, rather than on the "boobs and explosions" level which basically describes 70% of all current movies. Perhaps one of these days I'll make a list of all the movies I want to watch, and slowly hunt them down. I already have a few potential candidates for my list: Citizen Kane, Soylent Green, Rashomon, and The Room (because I've heard about how it's so legendarily bad that it's gained cult status). And while I'm at it, I might as well make a list for books as well: Metamorphosis, Brave New World, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, A Brief History of the Universe, and V for Vendetta (I know the last one is a graphic novel, but I'm making the rules here).

Fun fact of my life: I have the habit of occasionally reading up on modern physics on Wikipedia. It all started when I asked my H3 physics lecturer what would be good reading for beginner's quantum physics, and he replied "Wikipedia". Ever since then, whenever I get the sudden thirst for random physics-related knowledge, I'll go to the relevant Wikipedia page and just plunge right in without any prior contextual knowledge. Heck, I just spent the last hour reading up on string theory on Wikipedia, and I barely understood half of it.