I need to document the events of last night and this morning before it all slips from my mind, so here goes:
Met you'en, chin, weijian and jianzhong at Clarke Quay MRT. Dinner was Subway, then we walked over to a bridge near Riverside point to play cards and lepak, where we were joined by joshua tan, lionel and joshua ng. Things were pretty slow and relaxed at first, but as we approached midnight there formed a sort of silly string and foam snow mosh pit at the centre if the bridge with complete strangers spraying each other for the fun of it, andeven innocent bystanders such as us were implicated. The family we were sitting next to actually bought four whole boxes of silly string and the children were literally expending a can a minute.
Finally when the clock struck twelve, we realised that the fireworks were happening behind us, blocked by the scape building, so all we could only see the smoke and faintly hear the bangs -.- It didn't matter much though, because the mosh pit turned into a full-blown riot of canned craziness and nobody bothered looking out for fireworks anyway. We purposely sang jianzhong's birthday extremely loud in front of all the revelers, and naturally he became a primary target and was literally soaked from head to toe in silly string an foam snow. One stranger even treated him to his first gulp of hard liqour (expensive stuff, mind you!), resulting in him acting half-drunk on the way to you'en's house.
Once we reached his house, we fiddled around with his electronic drum set for a while (I suck at drumming T_T ) before settling on mahjong and Xbox. Played DOA (button-mashing!!!) and Guitar Hero for a while, then jianzhong and I played Halo. Halfway through our second match (and I was winning OK!) my controller ran out of battery, so just for the fun of it I decided to use the Guitar Hero controller to play just to see how it would turn out, with pretty interesting results. I couldn't figure out how to move or control my shooting (it just keeps firing until it runs out of ammo...), but the whammy bar moves the camera left and right, physically tilting the guitar up and down moves the camera vertically, and the fret buttons correspond to the similar-coloured buttons on the normal controller. Amazingly, even with jianzhong pulling off cheap shots at me with the guitar controller, I managed to kill him once by melee attacking him when he let his guard down XD
So now I'm back home. Feeling kind of groggy since I only had less than 4 hours of sleep, but this year's countdown was awesome and definitely a once-in-a-lifetime experience, especially for jianzhong I have to imagine.
Oh, I also had my first taste of beer, which honestly was disgusting. It was like bitter soda water and I couldn't catch the supposed aftertaste that the rest say makes beer enjoyable. I guess I'm just not an alcohol person.
And there are no more concession fares for buses and MRTs! :( My trip back from you'en's house cost $1.16...