Yesterday my family went over to my grandmother's house to celebrate my mom's birthday, and somewhere along the way it became a look-at-my-facebook-pictures session. The question constantly coming from my aunt was "who's that girl in the photo with you", and when she stumbled across the "seven wonders" pictures of me and val during orientation the crowd went wild -.- Oh well it's my mom's birthday after all so I didn't put up much of a fight for my privacy.
I was surfing teh internetz when I came across this picture:
Be warned, what follows is a typical example of me over-analyzing something which is clearly meant to be appreciated mindlessly.
It's always being said by parents and counselors and psychologists that being a teen is rough and we have to deal with sudden maturing, hormonal changes and the awkward feeling of not fitting into the child or adult crowds, but at the end of the day we need to sit down and see if it really is such a big deal. We're not even into our second decade of existence; can any of our problems even compare with those of our world-weary predecessors, let alone hold any significance in the big scheme of things? Of course there are teenagers with serious problems, but I'm talking about the stereotypical teenage dilemmas of today, those along the lines of "nobody understands how unique I am!" and "you're not my boss, stop controlling my life!", which sometimes seem trivial and petty in the face of bigger problems. We need to consider why we're known as the easy-to-bruise "strawberry generation" (literal translation from Chinese haha). To put things simply and bluntly, maybe we just need to suck it up and deal with it.
I dunno, I just find myself chuckling to myself every time I see that picture. And for the record that toaster is pretty awesome.