where do i start? firstly, i absolutely love the graphics in general and the character design in particular. it's amazing how they merged the original generation 1 designs with futuristic cybertronian elements (i know it's weird to say "futuristic" in the context of a sci-fi game like transformers which is already futuristic, but it really is!) to create characters that are breathtakingly spectacular while still being warmly nostalgic. everyone looks sleeker and cooler now, but one look is still all it takes to distinguish optimus prime, megatron, bumblebee, starscream, and of course (my favourite! :D ) soundwave.
also, it's good to finally see a transformers game that looks good and plays better. honestly, the past few transformers games (mostly the movie spin-offs) have been nothing more than mindless button-mashing hack-and-slashes with transformation added in last-minute only as a gimmick, but this game is completely different. this game is a mecha fan's dream come true: character designs, special abilities, armaments and alternate modes are all customisable to match any playing style or strategy; no more woes of "i love this guy but i wish he had a better melee approach", because now you can just give him an energon sword! :D and not to mention that transformation is no longer just a cheap secondary function that is rarely used in actual gameplay; it now pays to incorporate your alternate mode in your strategy (think driving off a ramp, transforming, then slashing your sword at that irritating jet fighter). this is a game that rewards careful strategic planning and innovative in-game experimentation equally. but definitely the greatest aspect of this game is that you are no longer restricted to unleashing your mechatronic on mindless cpu-controlled drones that fall in one strike, but against other human-controlled characters who can stand toe-to-toe with you; that's right, all that awesomeness and it's PvP!
correction: PvP is the second-awesomest thing about this game. the awesomest thing is being able to use GENERATION 1 SOUNDWAVE!!! finally, a game where soundwave is actually included, and is not some npc or heavily modified poser with the same name. this is G1 soundwave through and through, with the shoulder-mounted cannon and glass chestplate where the cassette-tape decepticons fit in (although he doesn't transform into a cassette player :( but since this game is set when cybertron was still around it wouldn't make sense for him to transform into earth technology). call me a geek if you must, but i do have a favourite transformer who isn't optimus prime, or even an autobot for that matter, and his name is soundwave:

here's the toy soundwave in his cassette player form. the two cassette tapes are actually laserbeak (falcon) and ravage (black panther) and can fit in his chest compartment.
so that's what he looks like, but they completely changed the way he looked for his pathetic 30s appearance in transformers: revenge of the fallen as a communications satellite:
you do NOT give a satellite a 30s cameo, call it "soundwave" and claim that you put soundwave in the movie, micheal, especially when it looks nothing like soundwave. you just don't.
and finally, here's soundwave in transformers: war for cybertron. his alternate mode is now a truck, but his robot mode stays very faithful to the original design. kudos to the character designer for that:
(by the way, the title of the post is a reference to soundwave's motto :D )
of course, all the drooling in the world is not going to let me play this game any sooner. it's gonna have to wait till after CTs. i have found the light at the end of the tunnel; now all that's left is to travel towards it.
ok, now we're finally off the topic of transformers. went to the library again, and we went to visit gabby at the hospital during our lunch break (viral infection... ouch). it's kind of sad to see that even in sickness, people still worry about their studies. goes to show how academic-driven we are, eh? get well soon, gabby :)
and the cafe galilee student meal in the library is extremely awesome! $4.90 student meal for a chicken thigh as big as your face, with sides of pasta and greens as well as a coke. dang, i don't know why we've been going to S11 and eating fried carrot cake that's practically dripping with oil (as quoted from you'en, "you can see your face in the plate"). it was so awesome that we decided to eat there again in the near future.