Well, i guess i accomplished my target for today: organic chem is more or less done with! :D a bit more reading up on the other stuff, then i'll have to go into overdrive with regards to maths. maybe, just maybe, i'll be able to escape the tunnel before it caves in. but in any case it's gonna be a very close call :X
today (well, yesterday) was fathers' day and my uncle's birthday at the same time (he's also a father by the way), so the whole family went out to dinner to celebrate, followed by a trip to the ktv lounge... i'm not really a karaoke sort of person; i can still tolerate being in a ktv lounge as long as it's with friends and stuff, but when people (like my parents) keep bugging me to sing "just one song" then it really starts to piss me off, so i looked through the song list, and sang Faint by Linkin Park. complete with screamo chorus and bridge. after that they kind of stopped asking me :P and i'm also quite surprised that they also had B.Y.O.B. by System of a Down and Fade to Black by Metallica. who knew they actually had metal songs there?
i found this picture on teh internetz. i guess it's common knowledge by now that almost everybody hates the vuvuzelas droning away during world cup matches. but what about the minority that does like the calming lull in the midst of the frenzied footballing action? well, here's a sign made just for them:

ok and here's another song i found during my ongoing Daft Punk craze, called Aerodynamic. pure awesomeness:
and this just occurred to me: first, i took a liking to metal, and that isn't exactly the kind of music that your average joe listens to. so in an attempt to fit in, i began exposing myself to many different genres of music to try and find something more "normal" that i liked. then i found Daft Punk, which is so vastly different from metal that i thought to myself that it had to be more mainstream. and now i realise it isn't really mainstream either. oh well :/
another trip to the library tomorrow. hopefully i'll makr more breakthroughs then! *crosses fingers*