Finally got out of the house today. met bryan, nigel and panyu at the J8 macs where we stoned and watched the public display of some kid playing world cup 2010 on the PS3 (singapore beat brazil 9-5! :D but the kid was playing as brazil...). afterwards, the latter two left, leaving bryan and i in bishan library mugging along. eugene came by a few hours later, and honestly when that happened it became humanly impossible to focus on studying. so finally i left the two of them in the library, heading home for dinner. it's kind of odd to think that i didn't really know eugene very well back in cat high (besides the fact that he was jared's friend from tennis :/ ), and yet through just meeting him a few times at the library through bryan i can say that i've made a new friend :)
i realised that i'm afraid of helping people. well, not really helping per se, but rather the act of helping another person with a task with the reasoning that you would be able to do it better than that person. consider the seemingly harmless question, "do you need help with your homework?" although the asker may genuinely just wish to help, the question already carries connotations that 1. you are incapable of doing your own homework and 2. i am superior to you in doing homework. which are very harsh and demeaning things to imply. which is why i always feel awkward in situations like that. :/
on to another thing. i know that i've earned a reputation as being some kind of metal fanatic who only listens to metal and looks down upon other genres with contempt, which is completely untrue. just because i prefer songs of a certain genre doesn't mean that i'm not open to other genres. i've never said "no" every time someone wants to introduce a pop or rap song to me, and although admittedly many of the songs end up not being to my liking, there are some which i really like, and in any case i can safely say that i have never judged any form of music without listening to it first. and when i do say that i hate a certain band or singer (lookin' at you, bieber >.> ), it's always more than just the music itself that pisses me off. so these few days, after randomly surfing youtube, i have to say that Daft Punk is really starting to sound quite interesting. in case you don't know, Daft Punk are a duo from France who look like this:

Admit it: those helmets are AWESOME
and play a genre called house music, which is basically an off-shoot of dance/techno music. here are two awesome songs from them. the first one is a remix of Queen's We Will Rock You and Daft Punk's Robot Rock which is one of the songs in DJ Hero (and before you complain that it's a remix, it was remixed by Daft Punk themselves):
the second song is a Daft Punk original called Emotion. i love the dreamy tune of the song; even more mysterious and calming than Fireflies, which i previously thought was already very dreamlike. so here it is:
later today i will hopefully finish up on my organic chem revision, briefly read through everything else chem-related (since organic chem is my kryptonite and i seriously do not have the luxury of time to go through everything), maybe do a few more physics questions to make myself feel less guilty, then plunge into integration as well as my completely untouched H3 maths notes.
ah damn it.