Now that the weekend is here, I can finally put up a proper post. I guess I'll elaborate a bit on the 'A' levels so far.
Chemistry was a bloodfest. Apparently it's not just me - the general consensus is that Cambridge really threw us a curveball this time. I don't really feel very good about how it went. I had to skip maybe 7 marks because of some stupid mathematical oversight, and I probably lost another 10 marks or so scattered around as careless mistakes or "I thought that was the answer" moments. In hindsight, I'm really starting to regret choosing question 2 (the infamous dofu question) instead of question 5, but I just panicked the moment I saw electrolysis used to purify metals. Oh well.
GP... I don't know what to think, really. As usual, I went in and gave it the best I could, but then again as usual you never know which way a GP paper might swing. All I know is that my essay only had 2 points, my AQ is woefully short, and judging by conversations with friends it seems I screwed up my vocab. All I can do now is cross my fingers and pray for a "quality over quantity" form of marking. Of course, that's assuming my answers have some sort of quality associated with them, which is yet another towering hurdle.
Maths, remarkably, was relatively easy compared to the other papers so far. Unfortunately, that brings its own set of problems, namely the bell curve working against you. There's already talk going on that this year's A grade cut-off may be raised higher. Thinking back to the careless mistakes made during paper 2 (forgot to root the variance before putting it in the GC! T_T ), I can't help but feel a pinch of worry.
Eight papers are left, but fate has saved the worst for last. Judging from paper 3, chemistry will probably not relent in the coming papers. To make things worse, physics, econs and H3 maths will make their debuts (especially worried for the latter 2) in the coming weeks.
But I have to stop whining; I have to stop worrying. The end is 16 days and 8 papers away, and there's so much to look forward to afterwards: grad night, pre-NS workouts (my enthusiasm surprises myself), Sonic Colours (released in Europe today!), playing Maplestory with the 28s for the heck of it (haha), new albums from Protest The Hero, The Human Abstract and Last Chance To Reason (hopefully at least one of them before I enlist), and of course the freedom of being momentarily unplugged from Singapore's education, at least for two years.
Come on, it's only two weeks and a weekend.