Finally managed to find some free time. well, hockey A divs start next week, so training is now monday to saturday. i cant believe that our season starts so soon this year; i was hoping for a bit more time to prepare, but i guess this way the season will conclude earlier and i'll have more time to concentrate on H3 physics and common tests in june. and we finally have a keeper! yes, an SH1 keeper who has some serious talent. he's got everyone impressed, even the coach. i have a good feeling that this time next year, he will be able to accomplish for the boys what dolly had achieved for the girls' team last year.
today was the maths H3 test, and i seriously screwed up. i knew i wasnt going to do well, but i wasnt expecting failure at such a huge scale. im expecting a single-digit score in a test out of 52 marks. is this just a phase that all the maths H3 students will have to go through, like how everyone would fail english or lit in their first term? or maybe im just not cut out for this. maybe i should just do what normal, sensible people do and focus on physics H3.
after the test, i stayed behind in the classroom with darrell, joy and a very mathematically inclined individual (let's call him wc) for a while. darrell, joy and i were discussing how epic our fails were when wc comes up to us and asks for some clarification about a certain question. turns out he misunderstood the question, and he shouted "dammit i lost one mark!". it started me thinking about how it must feel to be a prodigy like him. on the one hand, you want to stretch your capabilities and will probably come down very hard on yourself whenever you make a mistake, but on the other hand you have to be careful not to make it too obvious lest others see it as not being content with your lot.
and speaking of coping with homework, i think my schedule has been quite radically shaken up by having to adapt to having 2 H3s and A divs coming up. my weekdays are so packed that i usually return home about 8+pm and sometimes up to 11pm, and there's no way my body can physically cope with doing homework after a day of lessons, H3 and hockey without blacking out. which means that the only time i do homework is during the weekend. the result: if you give me homework on friday, i would probably be able to hand it up on monday, but if you gave it to me on monday i will not be able to do it even if you give me till friday. so if you're one of my teachers and you're reading this (highly unlikely and mildly disturbing...), basically this is why im sometimes lagging and sometimes ahead in my homework.
i just found out from A7X's facebook page that they have started recording their new album, with Mike Portnoy from The Dream Theatre as a stand-in for the The Rev. i've heard of The Dream Theatre before, but i've never heard any of their songs before. i heard a bit of their music, and i have to say that i still prefer A7X and PTH. still, it's exciting to know that the new A7X album is in the works, even more so when you consider that this album will contain some of the last songs that The Rev has written. and i really hope that someone will carry on The Rev's legacy and let A7X live on.
suddenly i find that im addicted to this song. anime buffs may find this familiar, because it was the second opening song for Gundam 00. i kinda regret not bothering to follow the series last year, cos know i barely have time to do anything, let alone watch dozens of Gundam episodes at one go. Ash Like Snow, by The Brilliant Green: