Saturday, February 6, 2010


All this stuff has started to take a physical toll on me. my calf started aching during friday's training (i have a suspiscion it's cos of practicing "It's Tricky" over and over again -.-) and by then end of it all even nigel seng could tell that i was limping slightly. still, i maintain that it was all worth it to be able to be a part of Genesis, and i'd do it all over again (probably with even greater fervour) if i had to choose again.

hockey try-outs are on monday! excited to see the new batch of guys on the team, but at the same time i feel slightly worried. are we good enough to teach them if we are still learning ourselves? the fate of next year's team could very well be determined by how quickly and how well us seniors coach them in these first few trainings. in any case, the seniors have been telling us that we need more confidence, and i guess this is one way for us to build it up.

jokes are funny until they get out of hand. i wouldnt mind as much if it was just me, but when there are two people involved then i feel that it's quite unfair to the other party. hopefully the joke will die down soon.

does anyone know what the pre-u seminar is all about? what do people do there? is it fun? is it good for your portfolio? i wouldnt want to jump in knowing nothing.

i have already remarked many times before that im amazed by how much i have changed over the course of my JC life, but these few days i've been wondering if it is for better or worse. am i really headed in the right direction, or am i becoming the arrogant insensitive monster that i have always despised and steered clear of? if you ever see me acting like that, please do not hesitate to shout some sense into me. all monsters must be restrained for the safety of the people around them.

im still in the orientation mood! :) well, partially in the mood. im still in a semi-high state all the time, like im waiting for a random person to start a "yah" cheer anytime soon. an OG10 outing and a combined Ixion OGL dinner are already in the works, so hopefully orientation wont end just yet. here's a song from the Libertas walk-in which i find really catchy, and really represents the whole orientation spirit: "Jump" by Flo Rida.

<3 Genesis
<3 Ixion
<3 OG10

Can survive JC life? CONFIRM CAN! :D