Blogs are more or less an extinct species.
they were first discovered when i was in secondary school i think, maybe around sec 2? yes, that was the time when people all jumped on the bandwagon and started their own blog, "cos everyone else is doing it".
and then, inevitably, the craze factor faded, and people simply forgot. blogs died, one after the other, as blogging "alternatives" opened up. facebook, twitter, et cetera - the post disappeared, replaced by the status update; the tweet. and of the blogs which did survive, most became warped beyond recognition.
what were once meaningful thoughts and cherished anecdotes became short spurts of text to keep the blog alive, or simply just apologies for the lack of updates. nobody has time anymore - no time to think or synthesise or express, only enough time to document the occasional raw, basic, perhaps even unconscious response to external stimuli.
if we do not have enough time to think, does it not imply that whatever we are doing is done without thought?
food for thought.
i like puns :)
and irony, which is why this post shall be kept short.