Thursday, September 23, 2010

Eye of the storm

H3 maths yesterday, in a nutshell, was horrible. differential equations is traditionally the easiest component of the paper because it's the most similar to H2, but i think everyone was caught off-guard by the question this time. combinatorics was also very iffy, and graph theory, as usual, was horrible (i've posted this same thing about graph theory so many times i think it can be taken for granted now). oh well, in any case after the paper i met up with a bunch of 28s for the most expensive chicken rice dinner of my life (my wallet is still reeling from the impact) and then we basically loitered about and made nuisances of ourselves like the immature adolescents we are. it's just great to just sit down with friends and chat about everything. i think that elaborate outings with friends are overrated; it's definitely the company that matters most of all.

i think everyone suffered from back-to-school blues today as the on-off study periods of the prelims suddenly shifted gears back to the full-day studying of the normal school timetable. luckily, GP lessons were easing very gently back to speed and we basically spent the lesson reading passages out loud and watching youtube videos. no such luck with maths though, as we were plunged straight back into paper-spamming mode with the 2009 A level paper, which we were supposed to do before school started, but which i obviously skipped in favour of (inconsequential, in hindsight) studying for H3 maths. lecture attendance suddenly became upgraded many times over, with teachers even patrolling the school to rope in would-be lecture skippers O.O personally i think that's pretty inefficient: if we know that we won't benefit from the lecture (i.e. we didn't do the paper you wanted to go through during the lecture because we were studying for that other paper you gave us >.> ), then why force us to go anyway? as much as they want to do everything for their own good, shouldn't we have some say in what truly is for our own good? oh well, now is not the time for childish rebellion. econs lecture was spent going through the prelim case study (without returning our answer scripts; typical NJC procedure -.- ), and from the looks of it i pretty much crashed and burned.

my earphones finally died on me too, yesterday, after showing signs of distress for a really long time. now i'm stuck with leaky earbuds which refuse to stay in my ear (thank genetics for these misshapen ears -.- ). i'll probably be getting another pair over the weekend, thankfully it'll only be another day of lousy sound and aching ears (i have no idea why earbuds make my ears ache while in-ears are completely comfortable with me :/ ).

apparently, i've been called upon for an interview session by the DSTA scholarship board! :D that's great and all, but two things are bugging me right now: 1. that i am utterly unprepared for an interview right now, especially seeing as how prelim results threaten to squash out any possibility of bluffing through my academic achievements, and 2. that they somehow got a hold of my number even though i've never, in recent memory, given them any contact details O.o but of course they're also probably the guys who invent wiretaps and whatnot for the government, so i'd best shut my trap now <.<      >.>

i'm suddenly aware of my increasing tendency to use brackets (kind of like these) to add in extra comments. and i've also noticed that it kind of resembles a person with split personality disorder discussing things with himself. which is mildly interesting and disturbing in equal proportions.

in any case, i came across this two-person band called Jucifer. they are really the most versatile band i've heard, being able to do anything from rock to punk to black metal and just about everything else you can think of involving a guitar and a drum kit. personally i like them best when they venture into alt-rock territory, like in this song (Hennin Hardine):

love how the tempo changes during the chorus to that slow beat. definitely has some influence from metalcore there :D