I guess at some point in our lives, we will all have dreams. often they are lofty or far-fetched or simply plain ridiculous. precisely because they are so ridiculous, the circumstances you find yourself in will very often urge you to abandon such wild and unrealistic thoughts. it is very tempting to simply forget that wild dream you had when the sound of the world yelling "No" to your face drowns out that tiny voice in your heart that whispers "Yes".
i've always had something like that in my heart: a small flickering flame that never seemed to burn out. in the past, it was a flame that i could always see no matter how dark it became; a pinprick in the inkiness that i could count on to be there.
then i grew older and saw the chips and cracks in the idyllic world of myself and the flame, and it seemed that my small little light was no match for the sheer amount of darkness that poured into my world through the cracks. surely that tiny candlelight had long been washed out, i thought to myself. so i lost sight of it, and went on with my life content in wandering in the dark.
but now, after seeing nothing but the night sky for so long, i caught a glimpse of a light from long ago. it's the same tiny twinkling flame as before, but it gleams brighter than ever in a sky that has never been darker; it is a star, a guiding star with which i can find my way. i may not ever reach the star, but it will always be guiding me along this road. and if i'm lucky, i may just reach that star after all.
You may not reap what you sow, but you will never reap what you dare not sow.