No matter how many test papers I do, no matter how much revision I manage to cram into every day, it always seems to be that the moment I come back and reflect upon my day, I realise that in spite of all that I have done, there's still so much that I have yet to do, and now there is one less day to do it. There are never enough hours in a day, never enough days in a week, never enough weeks until the 'A' levels. I keep finding myself wishing for more time.
If given enough time, do we all have limitless potential? Is our ability limited only by time? Could it be that the ones who get ahead in life are not the ones with the greatest capability, but the ones who most quickly realise what little latent skills they have?
Of course, none of that matters now. The only thing that matters now is that I make the most use of the next day. It's a bit like how a soldier forces himself to think only up to the next day; if he ever thought long enough about how low his chances of survival are, how he's pretty much waiting to die, how none of his actions would be able to change his fate,I'm sure he'd go crazy. Short-sightedness is the only thing that will keep me sane.