Nothing much to talk about here. I'm just quite surprised by who actually reads my blog. On the one hand, blog traffic is very nice for the ego ( :D ) but on the other hand it also means that I can't be as loose-lipped as I currently am when voicing out my opinions here. Maybe we have to treat blogs like hipsters treat music: the more underground and indie it is, the better.
There are some people I wish I knew better, or at least kept in closer touch with. I did that Facebook status thing circulating around, where you answer 8 questions about anyone who "like" your status, and I realised that I really don't know what to write for some people. For some of them it's because I haven't talked to them in ages, and for others it's because I really just added them on Facebook and left the "friendship" at that. "Social networking gives us more acquaintances but less friends"... Sounds like it might be a GP essay question.
Although I'm only posting this now, I've actually been raving over this game for more than a week now. It's called Sonic Colours, it's coming out on November 16th, and it looks like the first actually decent Sonic game in 3D :D I'm not saying that Sonic Heroes wasn't fun, but it had some awkward camera control and simply couldn't match up to 2D Sonic games in terms of sheer speed. Colours, however, seems set to change all that:
Also, although the game's theme song is completely not my usual genre, I can't help but have it stuck in my head :D After-'A's goal!