Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Light at the end of the tunnel

I thought that 5 days seemed long enough, but then i blinked. now, we've just passed day 5 and i've barely moved from where i stood on day 1.

well, i did learn how to ride a swaveboard, which by the way is this thing:

yeah, quite tricky to pick up. i think it would definitely help to have some background in snowboarding, or skateboarding to a lesser extent, to get over the instinctive phobia of leaning into the curves :X but it's also one of the most impractical wheeled thingy ever. the bicycle helps you go faster than running; rollerblades also speed you up to a lesser extent, but at the same time allow for (albeit awkward) walking movements up steps and stuff; even the skateboard helps you go faster on downhill tracks. the swaveboard, however, seems to have only one objective, which is to make getting from A to B that much more difficult. well, looks kind of cool in any case.

ok it's random, but here's a list of things i want to do after A levels (it's definitely incomplete at the moment):

play SSBB with people who are not my brothers (my ultimate showdown with nigel has been pending for close to three quarters of a year now).
get sonic colour (hopefully it will be released before i go into NS :X )
get new rollerblades (the old ones are in terrible shape now; i haven't worn them in forever)
re-learn how to rollerblade (related to previous point; hopefully this won't take too long)
get a swaveboard (?)
re-enter the pokemon metagame (i am so seriously out of touch right now)
sign up for the A*STAR research attachment (this will depend on when i have to enlist)
start preparing for NS (not so much "want to" than "have to")

focusing on the light at the end of the tunnel.