Saturday, March 3, 2012

Art By Numbers

You know that feeling when the lead guitarist from your favourite band decides to give guitar lessons, and two of his students decide to set up their own band? No? Well, last week I found out what that feels like, and it is AWESOME.

The favourite band I'm talking about is The Human Abstract, and their lead guitarist AJ Minette was giving out guitar lessons at one point (in fact he's still doing that now). The newcomer band that I'm totally impressed with is Art By Numbers, and although you'd think that they'd sound too similar to THA, they surprisingly manage to distinguish themselves pretty well, preferring to go slower and let the classical influences sink in.

Here are a few songs for you to hear for yourselves:

I'd embed more songs, but unfortunately this is literally all there is... As a new band, this is all the material they've ever released. Their Facebook page says that they have an LP ready to be released, but they're not letting it out so soon, presumably to see how long a person can writhe about in agonising anticipation before collapsing from exhaustion.