Saturday, July 24, 2010


If you are an A7X fan then READ ON.

i was randomly surfing the interwebs yesterday night when i discovered THE ENTIRE NIGHTMARE ALBUM AVAILABLE FOR ONLINE STREAMING :D no download links though, but they'll probably start popping up once the album is officially released.

the overall feel of this album is a lot more emotional and sentimental than previous albums, with about half the album being ballad-type songs, which are probably tributes to The Rev. Fiction is especially haunting because it actually stars The Rev on lead vocals. Save Me sounds like a tribute to Pinkly Smooth, Syn's and Rev's side band which played avant-garde metal.

but for those who like their music heavy, Nightmare doesn't disappoint either. Welcome To The Family is plain friggin awesome: very A7X-style metal with intense verses and a melodic chorus, and i love the whispering parts :D Danger Line has an interesting tune and the chorus is very catchy too, somehow the intense guitar paired with melodic vocals reminds me of Lost. and there's even a throw-back to A7X's metalcore days with God Hates Us, which definitely satisfies the part of me that was hoping for a return to Sounding The Seventh Trumpet.

ok, even though i already posted the link to all the songs, i still feel like i need to put this here:

above all the other songs, i believe this is the one that captures the entire album. we keep hearing A7X say that this album is a tribute to The Rev, but it was only until i heard this song that i was fully convinced that they really meant for this album to be foREVer.

edit: (read the description :D )