Monday, July 5, 2010

It's pronounced "meem", not "mee-mee"

Recently i discovered this website called Know Your Meme, which is basically like wikipedia, except for internet memes such as lolcats and mudkipz. some of the entries come with funny videos too (you can probably find the series on youtube). for some reason, i'm quite fascinated by memes. it's just so amazing and magical that something as normal as a cat or as inane as a lame comment (so i herd you liek mudkipz?) can quickly become a well-known insider joke throughout the internet. what is the innate appeal that facilitates their frenzied viral spread? internet culture has truly evolved into an entity separate from IRL societies, and it amazes me how something that used to be nothing more than a network for sharing files can now have such a rich and dynamic culture, albeit one that encourages eclecticism and schadenfreude much more than real life. the website is run by Rocketboom, or rather the Rocketboom Institute for Internet Studies. if there really was a place where work consisted of studying meme trends, it would undoubtedly be the most awesome job EVAR :D