Saturday, January 23, 2010

Life as it is lived

Starting to feel the full effects of school on my free time, or whatever's left of it. i can barely find the time to settle down and type out a coherent sentence to post here.

on wednesday, a few hockey old boys came down to help us with training. it turns out that 2 of them will actually be working in NJC as teachers (im not sure if they will be permanent or not), so we'll be seeing a lot more of them. after training, they confirmed what our newly-graduated seniors from last year have been trying to convince us for so long: that we are one of the luckiest batches that NJ hockey ever had. i know it was meant to be a prep talk to boost our confidence, but in the back of my mind i was wondering if this meant that there are greater expectations of us. people keep on telling us that we are alright, but i think what the team really needs is an opportunity to prove it for themselves.

on thursday, i stayed back after school for walk-in practice as well as making souvenirs for cca open day. the souvenirs are little clay hockey stick and hockey ball keychains or something, and since we were all failures in art and craft you can pretty much guess how it went. haha, maybe we can drag people to training when they return to ask for a refund on their souvenir. i left the arts and crafts session early to go for walk-in practice. they changed the song slightly, but besides that it was mostly just recapping the steps again. i also found out that certain people (looks at lionel, sean, kaywei, yiyin etc) have been trying to "matchmake" me with someone else -.- lol, damn stupid. well, as long as everyone is aware that it's just a joke then im quite fine with it. im just really curious as to when this whole thing started out, and how i remained oblivious to it until now.

friday was walk-in practice again, and again the song was changed. i think that ignis seriously takes "last minute" to a whole new level, cos we only have about a week left and we're still adding changes to the dance here and there, when this should be the time to polish up the dance. and the dancers are also a bit unrealistic sometimes, expecting us to pull out stunts and tricks out of nowhere. quote of the day: "sucking up doesn't create miracles." XD

for some reason, brenda and lishang suddenly love science competitions a lot and they... want to share the joy with me? well actually they joined a few competitions and for some reason want me on their team. so now, it seems that im joining some NTU material science competition (what's material science anyway?) and SPARKS (again... last year's SPARKS was kind of a waste of time -.-). oh well, nvm lah, try try a bit. after all, after this year i'll be sent packing to NS, so might as well try a few things before i go.