Sunday, June 27, 2010

If you can't get out, charge in

After a month of slacking off, it's finally here. tomorrow school starts again, and the opening act is a killer. it's not the first time we've had major exams directly following a holiday, but it's still really hard to shift gears so suddenly, and not something you can easily get used to. as much as i would like to lament my oh-so-terrible fate as a student in academically-focused singapore and wish for a postponement of school's reopening, the logical thing to do now is something that will actually benefit you, like last-minute revision (if your brain absorbs information like that; i'm not sure about my own but i'm willing to try it anyway), or even just an early night if there's nothing else to do. and this time, even after the CTs it'll only be a case of out of the frying pan, into the fire. just like mr low said on the last day of term 2, after CTs the revision will only get more intense, with TYS papers and pop quizzes every other day. if there is any celebration on thursday, it will be short-lived; the real goal is awaiting us in november, and i believe that every SH2 has that thought in the backs of their minds right now, no matter how much they claim to just be "heck care"-ing it all. but i guess it's important to set achievable short-term goals to keep morale up, and this kind of pessimistic long-term worldview (which unfortunately seems to be my default mindset) will likely drive you insane eventually (which it might already have done to me). whatever: i shall now set my sights on getting through CTs and wasting a significant portion of my youth playing transformers: war for cybertron.
"If it's worth doing, it's worth over-doing." ~ Tori Belleci (Mythbusters)
 speaking of which, i wish i hadn't stopped following the series when schoolwork started taking it's toll on my (sacred!!!) TV time. oh well, something to add to my after-'A's to-do list.

The people who try to claw their way out only leave scratches on the door. 
I'd much rather charge in and break a hole in the back wall.

to all of you guys with exams tomorrow, good luck :)