Finally A7X has released their new single Nightmare! it's been put up on their youtube channel and is now available for download on itunes. i shall break my blog tradition and post the song in the beginning of the post instead:
to be honest, even though this song has its high moments, overall it left me slightly underwhelmed. tune-wise it's quite catchy, but i feel that it's quite empty at some parts, especially during the bridge when syn seems strangely absent and there's only zacky playing the rhythm. mike portnoy as a drummer also has kind of a different style from the rev; at least in this song mike seems to focus a lot more on fast drum rolls and machine-gun bass drumming, but i'm not very sure if it was the rev who wrote the drumming for this song so i won't judge mike based on this one song. but one thing i have to admit, every time the song transits from xylophone-violin mode to heavy metal mode, it gets me loving this song again :)
i'm trying to settle down from yesterday's near-mental breakdown :/ decided to start studying econs today, but i didn't really get very far with that. i'm in a situation when i can understand/recall maybe 50-60% of all the notes but i have to re-read everything just to absorb the remaining 30-40% (excluding the 10% that i will never understand...). such a waste of time, yet regrettably indispensable.
met tingyi and venezia on the way out of school today. they're both so full of hope for pw, what with the progress logs and everything. i vaguely remember a time last year when i too believed that pw rewards good research methodology and responsible project management. and sadly, they will soon find out that the MOE's noble objective of initiating JC students into the research work that they will have to undertake in uni will not only familiarise them with the inner workings of project work, but also expose them to its inner demons. pw in its cruel reality is a world where success is determined as much by a russian roulette as it is by literally months of hard work. somehow find yourself doing an undefinable topic? tough luck. land in a group of uncooperative slackers? be prepared for a rough ride. get attached to a horrible teacher? resistance is futile. pour your heart and soul into it for the entirety of the 10 months? maaaybe you will better your chances of an A. just maybe.
telling pw horror stories to juniors is one of the best privileges of being an SH2; it's like telling a ghost story round a campfire, except they get traumatised in broad daylight and pitch-black night :D